index: It returns the index position of the element in the set.
It specifies a function that returns one or more class names to add.
function(index,currentClass): This parameter is optional.
It specifies one or more than one class names to add.
className: This parameter is required. One of the most annoying things in the WordPress universe are plugins and themes that don't conditionally load their scripts and styles (i.e., JavaScript.
$(selector).addClass(className,function(index,currentClass)) This method does not do anything with existing class attributes, it adds one or more than one class names to the class attribute.
addClass() Method: This method adds one or more than one class names to the specified elements.
currentValue: This parameter receives the current property value of selected elements.
index: This parameter receives the index position of element in the set.
function(index,currentvalue): This parameter specifies a function that returns the property value to set.
value: This parameter specifies the value of the property.
property: This parameter specifies the name of the property.
Hide or show elements in HTML using display property.css extension which solely contains all CSS rules without HTML tags. While there are multiple approaches linking CSS to an HTML file, the most efficient way is to link an external style sheet to an HTML document. Difference between var and let in JavaScript Connecting a CSS External Style Sheet to an HTML File.
How to calculate the number of days between two dates in javascript?.
How to check the user is using Internet Explorer in JavaScript?.
How to detect the user browser ( Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera ) using JavaScript ?.
How to detect browser or tab closing in JavaScript ?.
How to close current tab in a browser window using JavaScript?.
Javascript | Window Open() & Window Close Method.
However, while printing, this leads to an issue: one cannot view the URL of the link, thus making it useless. Our print page now looks like: How to add Links HTML provides a fantastic way to add links: tag.